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Code of Conduct & Behavioral Expectations

Our program creates a safe and supportive atmosphere for all students. Students + Guests are to behave in considerate and responsible ways that respect the dignity of others, and be committed to doing their part to maintain and uphold this atmosphere by acting with kindness and respect at all times when they are at the studio, or participating in any of our programs.  Actions will at all times reflect Cirque de Vol Core Values & Follow Program Rules and Safety Policies.

Bullying Policy

At Cirque de Vol  we have a firm policy against any form of bullying. Each student is expected to treat all other students with respect, and to support each other in having  the best possible experience at training by acting with kindness and respect. Bullying is inexcusable in any form. If a members has difficulty meeting this expectation, it will be addressed by staff, in the case of youth, parents may be called upon to support them.

Bullying can manifest in various forms, all of which are detrimental and harmful. Here are different types of bullying:


Physical Bullying:

  • Involves physical aggression, such as hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, or any form of physical violence. It includes any action that causes bodily harm or discomfort.


Verbal Bullying:

  • Involves the use of words to harm or intimidate others. This can include name-calling, insults, teasing, negging, threats, or spreading rumors and lies about someone.

Social Bullying:

  • Involves manipulating relationships, social status, or reputation to harm someone. This can include exclusion, spreading rumors, gossiping, publicly embarrassing or humiliating someone, or encouraging others to ostracize an individual. 


  • Occurs through digital devices and platforms. It involves using social media, text messages, emails, online forums, or any digital means to harass, threaten, embarrass, or intimidate someone. Cyberbullying can involve sharing embarrassing photos or videos, spreading rumors online, or engaging in online harassment.


Psychological or Emotional Bullying:

  • Involves actions that cause emotional distress, fear, or psychological harm. This includes manipulation, gaslighting, undermining someone's self-esteem, threatening, or deliberately isolating an individual.


Sexual Bullying:

  • Involves unwanted or inappropriate sexual behavior that is used to intimidate, humiliate, or coerce someone. This can include sexual comments, gestures, inappropriate touching, or any form of sexual harassment.


Racial or Cultural Bullying:

  • Involves targeting someone based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or cultural background. It includes making derogatory comments, jokes, or displaying discriminatory behavior towards an individual or group.


Disability Bullying:

  • Involves targeting someone based on their physical or mental abilities. This can include mocking, teasing, or excluding individuals with disabilities or learning differences.


 LGBTQ+ Bullying:

  • Involves targeting individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or other non-heteronormative identities. It includes discrimination, harassment, or exclusion based on sexual orientation or gender identity.


It's important to recognize these different forms of bullying to effectively address and prevent such behavior. Creating awareness, fostering a culture of respect and empathy, and implementing anti-bullying policies are crucial steps toward preventing and addressing bullying in all its forms.


Our leadership addresses all incidents of bullying seriously and trains staff to promote communication with their staff and their students, an incident report form will be filed documenting any incident of bullying or violence.  Our staff and parents work  together as a team to ensure that students gain self-confidence, make new friends, and have a positive and enriching  program experience.

Students take Responsibility for their actions

Students Respect themselves, each other, camp equipment and the environment. Kindness and Honesty are the basis for all relationships and interactions. Campers follow all instructions and safety guidelines at all times.


Students are asked to talk immediately to a counselor or any camp staff member if they are uncomfortable with any experience or need assistance while at camp.


Please share Cirque de Vol's behavior and bullying policy with your campers before attending camp and check that they thoroughly understand it, and are able and willing to comply and uphold these policies as a part of their admittance to our programs.

Discipline Procedures

When a student does not follow the behavior guidelines, we will take the following action steps as behavior problems progress.


Staff will intervene and redirect the student to more appropriate behavior.

If inappropriate behavior continues, the student will be reminded of behavior guidelines and camp rules, and asked to decide on action steps to correct their behavior.


If a child’s behavior still does not meet expectations and is affecting the experience of other youth, an incident report form will be filed, and the parent/guardian of the camper will be contacted to support with what is needed.


If inappropriate behavior continues, as a final action step the camper may be dismissed from camp.

Examples of unacceptable behavior:

  • Refusal to follow behavior guidelines or camp rules

  • Refusal to follow camp safety protocol or activity instructions

  • Endangering the health and safety of children and/or staff

  • Bullying and/or Physical Violence of any kind

  • Using profanity, vulgarity or obscenity

  • Stealing or damaging property (personal or camp property)

  • Refusal to participate in activities or cooperate with staff

  • Disrupting a program

  • Leaving a program without permission

  • Use of illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco or sexual conduct of any kind

  • Teasing, making fun or bullying of other campers or staff

  • Fighting of any kind


 Program & Class fees are non-refundable if a student is sent home for disciplinary reasons. Physical violence or bullying toward another student or staff member will result in immediate dismissal from the program.









Our Mission

Our mission is to create an inspiring community that fosters human growth through creative movement and human connection. We find deep worth in practicing and sharing the joy that can be found through circus arts and play.


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 300  W.  HARGETT  ST,   #40,   RALEIGH, NC    |     919-714-9082‬      

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